Your wedding day is meant to be one of the happiest days of your life as you and your partner celebrate the love you share with friends and family. Being the centre of attraction, the bride has to make sure she looks flawless from start to finish of the event. It is not uncommon for bridal beauty disasters to happen days or even hours before the wedding. Fortunately, these can be avoided.
Below are some useful tips on how to avoid common beauty disasters and ensure you are looking your best on your special day.
Don’t try anything new less than 6 weeks to your wedding
Do not try anything completely new before your wedding. New beauty products can bring about an allergic reaction that may fail to clear up in time. Stick to the beauty regime you love and are comfortable with. Try new products 3-6 months before your wedding day and once you find something that works for you, stick to it.
Skip SPF foundations on the day
Wearing SPF is great for every other day but not your wedding day. SPF reflects sunlight off your face, making it not ideal for photography. Light from the camera’s flash will be bounced back to the camera, making you look ghostly with your face looking white and your body looking its normal colour. Use foundation which has no SPF or is specifically designed for photography.
Don’t cut or colour hair before the wedding
If your wedding day is just around the corner, you should avoid cutting or colouring your hair. This is because you won’t have enough time to fix it if you find it to be a disaster. Preferably, book a hair trial early in advance to give you a clue of your overall look when the day arrives.
Do not wash your hair in the morning
Hair needs to be at least a day old for it to be easily manageable and hold a hairstyle. You should therefore avoid washing it on the morning of your big day.
Exfoliate, but in moderation
Exfoliating your skin makes it healthy and even, helping you look great in your wedding photographs. However, avoid over-exfoliation close to the wedding day as this could dehydrate your skin and make it harder for you to apply makeup.
Drink lots of water
We all know its cliché to ask someone to drink lots of water every day for the sake of their health. In the run up to your wedding day, it is important that you follow this tip due to the cosmetic benefits. Drinking water makes hair healthier, skin clearer and whites of the eyes much whiter. You’ll also help lower the risk of suffering a fainting fit. If you’re skin is naturally dry, use a good moisturizer in addition to drinking at least six glasses of water each day.

Do your nails 2 days before the day
Nobody wants that last-minute chip in their manicure. You can prevent this by not doing your nails too early. You can also do a last-minute top-up using the same nail varnish colour and a clear top coat to create a smooth and finished look.
Have tissue at hand
With emotions running high throughout the day, you cannot bet against crying when you’ll be in the moment. While it’s not wrong to cry, you should do it gracefully to avoid ruining your makeup. When crying, hold tissue at the sides of your eyes to prevent tears from damaging your lashes and mascara. It is advisable to make sure the mascara you apply is waterproof.
Use a bronzer
Photography can make the neck and ears really shine and fail to match the face and body. Avoid this mismatched look by using a bronzer that matches your skin’s undertone.
The above tips may look simple, but in actual sense go a long way to ensuring you look fabulous from that moment you walk down the aisle to the moment you make your getaway.