We are always looking for unique and creative weddings. Real wedding submissions are our top priority, however we also feature engagement sessions, proposals, DIY projects and any other wedding-related photo shoots.
We accept submissions from photographers, planers, brides and everyone else in the wedding industry. Just please make sure you have permission to share your photos from your photographer.
What are we looking for in your pictures? Details, details and DETAILS! We really think that this makes real weddings more interesting. Besides that, we want to see everything from the bride getting ready, through to the ceremony and onto the reception.
Please send between 50 and 100 images plus a write-up ( if it’s a real wedding we would love to hear a word from the bride/groom) and lots of supplier links.
Make sure that the images are without watermark, and at least 800px wide; this pertains to horizontal and individual vertical images.