Traditionally, the only option of identifying tables was by numbers. In this modern era where couples-to-be are personalizing as many elements as possible, you have no obligation to take the traditional route. Table names give you a great opportunity to add some fun and personality to your wedding. Try one of these unique wedding table names ideas.
1. Animals
Are the two of you animal lovers? Why not express that love by naming each table after an animal? If you love dogs, you can name your tables after the different breeds. If you love birds, you can name each table after a type of bird.

2. Plants
Naming tables after plants is ideal for garden and spring weddings. If you’re planning to incorporate some greenery into your reception venue, consider placing potted plants on each table with their common or Latin names written nicely. You could also use your favourite flowers to name your tables. Alternatively, if there is a particular type of flower is predominant in your decorations, use its varieties to create table names.

3. Music
Do you love music? Why not draw inspiration from it for your table names? You could use your favourite DJs, music group, albums, songs and gigs or music festivals you’ve been to.
4. Movies
Are you movie buffs? If so, you can show your love for movies through your table names. Consider using names of your favourite movies or actors and actresses. Take your creativity a step further and use famous on-screen couples such as Romeo and Juliet and Anthony and Cleopatra. You can also use pictures of romantic moments such as big screen kisses.

5. Books
If you are a bookworm or are having a book theme, titles of your favourite books will be ideal. You can use names of your favourite authors as well. One book or a pile of them would make an excellent complementary centrepiece.
6. Heroes
Back in the day, you must have had some favourite cartoon characters. Take your guests down memory lane by naming tables after you and your partner’s childhood heroes such as Marvel and Disney characters.
7. Years
Add some sweet nostalgia to your wedding by using photos that correspond to a certain year or age to create table names. You could also use significant dates like when you first met and when you got engaged.

8. Places
Are there special places that mean something to the both of you? Use them to label your tables. You could add a caption to explain the importance of the place. Think about where you first met, the restaurant you went to on your first date, the spots where you like to hang out. If you first met in school, you can name the tables after classes, landmarks or dorms.
Are you globetrotters? Name the tables after the countries or cities you’ve visited. Use postcards of the places to display the table names. Names of streets you’ve lived together or destinations you’d like to visit also work well. Want to start your honeymoon early? Name the tables after streets or landmarks in your honeymoon destination.

By giving your table names a unique twist, you’ll not only be letting your guests know more about you as a couple but also helping break the ice and start conversations.