7 Incredible Ways to Keep Kids Entertained at Your Wedding


Many families find it hard to attend weddings because leaving their kids with someone isn’t an option. By deciding to have children at your wedding, you’ll have given such guests one less thing to worry about. But that’s just one problem solved! The other (bigger) concern is how to keep the kids occupied and entertained.
Children generally find it hard to sit quietly for hours. When boredom sets in, they can be quite a nuisance to their parents. Give them a little freedom and they’ll be all over the place, driving everyone insane. Fortunately, there are several ways you can keep them entertained and help their parents and the other guests have a better time at your wedding. Here are seven great suggestions of how you can entertain children.

1. Bubbles

Bubbles are ideal for weddings. They enhance the romantic atmosphere and create fabulous photo ops without making any mess. What’s more, your young guests will enjoy blowing them. Place a pot on every table or have one member of your bridal party distribute them to every kid. You can even get a bubble blowing machine and set it up at the bubble station.


2. Arts and Crafts

Kids love practical and fun things. Providing them with arts and crafts can keep them occupied and entertained for hours. Create a crafts area where the kids will work together. You will have to provide crafts items like playdough, pipe cleaners, stickers and crayons. The kids can engage in wedding-themed activities like making paper hearts, wedding cards, cake decorations and masks for the photo booth. When they’re done with their masterpieces, you’ll get cute keepsakes.


3. Give a Checklist

Give the children at your wedding an I Spy list along with disposable cameras to capture their finds. Some of the tasks you can assign to them include capturing you and your better half laughing, a big hug, favourite decoration and the worst dancer in action. You might fall in love with some of the snaps taken by the young photographers and add them to your wedding album. Alternatively, you can create a separate photo book for them to keep you entertained and bring back the memories for years and years to come.

4. Movie Time

A nice movie will absorb the children for a few hours as their parents enjoy your wedding. Look for a small room at your reception where you can screen one or two kids’ movies. Make cinema time more fun for the young ones by providing comfortable chairs, popcorn and drinks.


5. Kids Only Table

If you’re having a sizeable number of children attending your wedding, make them feel special by setting a table just for them. You can make it more practical by adding child-size furniture. Give them a wide assortment of popular treats like cake bites, sweets and hotdogs. Add more fun by arranging the food in unique, eye-catching shapes. You can include pictures, cartoon faces or even personalised name tags.

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6. Photo booth

Photo booths are a great way of getting people together to have fun. Give kids their own photo booth filled with fun props and dress-up items. They’ll have a blast pulling silly faces and playing dress up. Parents will appreciate taking home the hilarious photos.

7. Professional Entertainer

If some of your guests have toddlers and infants, it might be daunting trying to find something to appeal to children across the ages. You can save on stress by hiring professionals. From magicians to clowns to face painters, there are plenty of professionals to choose from. They’ll make the day memorable for the children as their parents have more peace while enjoying themselves at your wedding.